
Calculator for Estimating the Amount of Assistance under TSFS/FASP

Selection of Scheme

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Part I. Estimation of Financial Assistance for Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)

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The Calculator below provides a rough estimate of the NLSPS loan offer.

Part II. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

Estimated NLSPS Loan:


The amounts of financial assistance estimated by this Calculator are based on the Ready Reckoner under the Adjusted Family Income Formula and Sliding Scale of Asset Value for Discounting Financial Assistance.
The amount of grant and / or loan derived by this Calculator is for your reference only. It is calculated based on the amount of family income and assets and number of family members you inputted into the Calculator. After your submission of application, the Student Finance Office (SFO) will assess the information reported in your application form and your sibling(s)’ FASP and / or Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) application form, if any, before determining your eligibility for and entitled level of financial assistance. In addition, if proper documentary proof(s) cannot be provided or the documents provided cannot substantiate the reported income / asset information (e.g. claim for prolonged unemployment or only self-prepared income proof is provided), SFO may need to make adjustments and apply benchmark figures based on the statistical information provided by the relevant Government departments, such as the Census and Statistics Department, the Rating and Valuation Department, the Transport Department etc., to assess the income and / or net value of the assets held by the family member(s) concerned. SFO may apply projected figures of family income in the assessment if necessary. Your actual entitlement may therefore vary from the figures derived by this Calculator. We accept no liability for any loss or misrepresentation incurred by its use.
Please refer to FASP Guidance Notes for detailed explanation of the factors affecting the assessment of your financial assistance.

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

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The amount of NLSPS loan provided above is for your reference only. It is calculated based on the information you entered in the calculation sheet for FASP. This Office will not accept or share any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by its use.
Please refer to the Maximum Level of Financial Assistance under the NLS for details regarding the maximum level of NLS loan.

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)

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The amount of NLSFT loan provided above is for your reference only. It is calculated based on the information you entered in the calculation sheet for TSFS. This Office will not accept or share any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by its use.
Please refer to the Maximum Level of Financial Assistance under the NLS for details regarding the maximum level of NLS loan.